An Easy Price Guide: How to Estimate Power Washing Job


Power washing – A job that breathes new life into home or commercial exteriors. A reputable company should be able to provide a clear explanation of the estimate of pressure washing, detailing the purpose of each charge without using unclear terms to hide costs. This guide will help you understand how to price your pressure […]

Santa Says: “Stay Productive, Stay Merrier this Holiday Season!!!”

The clock is ticking!!! If you wish to make your holiday season merrier at your workplace, don’t afford to ignore the guidelines below for improving efficiency. Grand office celebrations, surprise gifts from professional Santas, and year-end bonuses make the holiday season the most wonderful part of the year but probably it can be the most […]

If Mr. Santa Claus was on Social Media, How will he Promote your Brand?

Jingle Bells are ringing all the way and still, your little elves are sleeping???? Get them alive! Yeah, you are the Santa of your company and your little elves are the various social media pages of your business that will help to promote your brand during the holiday season. Go through the article below to […]

Freelancers’ Top 7 Wishes Will Get Fulfilled this Christmas!!!

This Christmas we have decided to perform the role of Santa Claus and strive to fulfill some of the most desired wishes of freelancers. Want to know what is their precious gift on Christ’s birthday? Their gift is revealed in this article. Read to know it. It is that time of the year where all […]

Jumpstart with a Super Productive New Year Week

It’s time to go back to work after the holidays. How are you planning to spend your first week of New Year? Let’s endeavor to be super productive in 2022. Want to know how? Continue reading…. Frankly speaking, New Year resolutions are really hard to keep. Resolutions are often hyped but hardly achieved, however, New […]

Everything that you Need to Know About the Form W-9

If a situation arises where independent contractors or freelancers are asked for a piece of information for verification purposes, then financial institutions and clients often rely on the Form W-9. Filling form W-9 is actually a straightforward way to submit all crucial information like name, address, and most importantly Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) which is […]

Secret Behind Becoming a Successful Freelance Video Editor

The whole new era of work from home and freelancing has let creative people stretch their wings and take their talent to new heights. Especially, the tremendous growth in social media and multimedia has opened up a lot of job opportunities. One such, booming career seen these days is freelancing video editor and we must […]

Should you Charge Late Fees for Delayed Invoice Payments?

It is not less than a miraculous stroke of luck if a business gets paid on time or beyond belief if the payment is received before the due date. But the cold hard truth is getting paid for the services rendered is simply a long wait that often ends in disappointment. You, as per your […]

What is a Tax Invoice – Invoicing Basics Made Clear

Confused between invoice and tax invoice? Well, both are legal documents and include similar information then how does a tax invoice differ from a regular invoice? Just to explain in brief – A tax invoice is an invoice that contains the amount of tax payable, in addition to all standard invoice information. It shows the […]